Archive for January, 2010

Transition time

January 31, 2010

My first blog…I feel like such a techy.  Seems fitting that I am starting this process just as we have finished landing the last of the lobster gear for the 2009/10 season.  Coiling 20 miles or so of rope and dragging 800 lobster traps in is always a process.   it was a good season catch wise, but the low prices have carried over from last year. 

   With a rare two days off and some drinking behind me, we’ll be ready to start running nets on to one of the boats tomorrow.  I think that we will probably make our first set of the winter on Tuesday.   Fish prices have been a bit soft as of late, but I think they are slowly coming around.  Most likely just in time for the fish to disappear-something that seems to happen for about a month every winter.